KIWITECH Permanent Electric Fencing Systems
Increase the productivity of grass farming. Designed by farmers for farmers.
Cost-effective, extremely tough, quick and simple to install.
Perfect for field subdivision when adopting a grass management grazing system.
Find out more below
The resilient Kiwitech products allow for fences to be pinned down, driven over, driven through and even lifted well up for stock to pass underneath and under impact, the fence just bounces back!
HyperSprings in fence line
Bend not Break
The Kiwitech permanent fencing system was developed by founder Harry Wier. After he found stock constantly breaking his plastic and wooden posts he developed a range of products which provide flexible permanent fencing. The equipment is extremely labour and cost effective, designed by a passionate farmer for you.
Kiwitech’s Permanent Fence Design Specification
High-tensile wires, incorporating HyperSprings, stretch with any impact and spring back unharmed - very abuse/flood tolerant.
The cost per meter is very low for permanent electric fencing. Especially when you take the flexibility of crossing fences in to account along with the indestructible nature of the equipment
Easy construction
Quick to erect and take down with no expertise or heavy machinery required, great for challenging terrain. 2 people can erect up to 2000m per day.
Suits any terrain (flat to steep), any soil type (rocky to sandy) and any livestock type (sheep, cattle, deer, pigs... even chickens).
Simple to maintain
Fiberglass posts mean no electric shorting out. Parts are modular so can be added or replaced as needed.
Wires can be added and heights adjusted with ease. InteGates or StrainGates (up to 20m wide) can be added to the fence line where ever they are required.
Long Life
Can last 30 years plus under normal challenge.
Kiwitech Arrow Fibreglass Posts - extraordinary electric fence posts
Arrow Posts can be used anywhere and are especially recommended for use on; undulating terrain (crests, dips), dry or flood prone conditions, sand or marshy ground and high challenge fence lines (races).
Kiwitech fibreglass post clips are SUPER tough, UV protected and will not wear out or break under use.
Glavanised Wire Insulator
Heaviest and strongest wire insulator for fibreglass posts on the market
Nylon Insulator
Super tough, wear resistant, Glass Reinforced Nylon. No chance of fence wire corrosion. Unclip wire easily without tools.